Increase in COVID-19 Death Rates Associated with One Percentage Point Increase for Each of 6 Social Determinants of Health

  1. 1% increase in black residents: 0.9% increase in COVID-19 death rate
  2. 1% increase in uninsured adults: 1.9% increase in COVID-19 death rate
  3. 1% increase in low birthweight: 7.6% increase in COVID-19 death rate
  4. 1% increase in those without high school diploma: 3.5% increase in COVID-19 death rate
  5. 1% increase in incarceration rate: 5.4% increase in COVID-19 death rate
  6. 1% increase in households without internet: 3.4% increase in COVID-19 death rate
Notes: From an article entitled, "The Relationship Between Social Determinants of Health and Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Mortality," by Ankur K. Dalsania, Matthew J. Fastiggi, Aaron Kahlam, Rajvi Shah, Krishan Patel, Stephanie Shiau, Slawa Rokicki & Michelle DallaPiazza. Study based on data from publicly available databases on COVID-19 death rates through October 28, 2020, clinical covariates, and social determinants of health indicators at the U.S. county level.

Source: Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, January 5, 2021 -